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Top 5 Mistakes People Make After an Accident

Published July 21, 2024 by Harker Injury Law

Mistakes to avoid after an accident.

Although no one expects to be in a car accident when leaving his or her home, multiple car accidents happen every day in the Sunshine State. In fact, according to one source187,211 crashes on California roads resulted in injuries during just one year. Even if you try to be a safe and cautious driver, you simply cannot control the actions of other drivers.

In the aftermath of a car crash, you may be feeling overwhelmed by what just happened. In such an elevated emotional state, the tendency to make a crucial mistake is likely to occur. A mistake could negatively impact your chances of receiving just compensation for damages suffered from the auto accident.

This is why it’s important to be familiar with some common potential mistakes that people tend to make after a car accident. This information will help you be better prepared in the case of a collision. The following list highlights the five most common mistakes that people tend to make after a car crash.

Mistake Number 1: Failing to Seek Immediate Medical Attention

One of the most common mistakes that people make after a car accident is not seeking immediate medical attention. In some cases, a victim may initially feel fine in the aftermath of the accident. He or she might conclude that there is no reason to seek medical care. However, quite often, adrenaline can hide a victim’s serious injuries.

Some injuries may not manifest themselves until weeks or months later. So, if you experience a car accident, remember to seek medical treatment immediately, even if you may be feeling fine. In some cases, the paramedics may arrive at the accident scene, but if they are not called, you should visit the urgent care or your personal doctor right away to be examined by a medical professional.

Seeking medical care is important, not only for the sake of your health but also to protect your right to receive fair compensation. An insurance company can try to use a failure to seek immediate medical attention as proof that injuries suffered were not taken seriously. Having documented medical visits and reports will be vital in connecting injuries with the accident.

Mistake Number 2: Apologizing or Admitting Fault

In the aftermath of the vehicle accident, since emotions tend to be high, you may feel an urge to apologize to the other party. However, even if you think you may be partially to blame, it is wise never to apologize or admit fault. This applies at the crash scene or even later when speaking with an insurance adjuster.

It is always better to wait until professionals have thoroughly investigated the crash. The investigation may reveal that the accident could have been caused by another source, such as a faulty car part.

Admitting fault at any time in the aftermath of an accident can later be used against you to lessen or even dismiss your claim for compensation. At the crash scene, it is always best to just exchange contact and insurance details with the other driver while keeping your words few.

Mistake Number 3: Failing to Collect Evidence

Another common, but serious, mistake that is made by victims of car accidents is failing to gather as much evidence as possible from the accident scene. It is crucial to gather evidence to ascertain what exactly happened and who is liable for damages.

One way that you can gather evidence is by using your phone to take photos and videos of the damages to the vehicles. Take pictures of any physical injuries sustained and the surrounding area including skid marks and road debris. Additionally, write down the contact information of any witnesses to the accident.

Another vital piece of evidence to add strength to your case is a police report. This report will contain details of the accident, such as the location, date and time, and the opinion of the police officer on what occurred. Therefore, it is always wise to call the police after a car accident, even if the other driver states that you both can resolve it without involving the police.

Mistake Number 4: Carelessly Talking About the Accident

In this modern world, it has become a habit for people to post about their daily activities and lives on social media. However, posting details about the car accident in the aftermath may actually hurt your claim for compensation for damages suffered.

Insurance companies know how to search out and scrutinize social media posts and use these as evidence to lessen the value of your claim. Therefore, it would be wise to limit your use of social media until you have consulted a personal injury attorney.

Also, be careful about speaking with coworkers or friends about details of the car accident immediately after the crash. While it’s true talking out what occurred may give you a sense of emotional relief, an insurance adjuster could later use your own words against you. He or she may do this in an attempt to have your case dismissed.

Mistake Number 5: Delaying or Failing to Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

Far too often, car accident victims make the crucial mistake of accepting a settlement offer from the insurance company before speaking with a car accident attorney. Insurance companies, including your own, are in the business of making money. As such, insurers are notorious for offering a quick settlement at a considerably lower rate than you may be entitled to receive.

It is never a good idea to attempt to handle a car accident case without first consulting a car accident lawyer. Handling a personal injury claim can be a very complicated process. A personal injury lawyer with years of experience can provide valuable assistance right from the start.

Your lawyer would know how to perform a thorough investigation to acquire the facts and pursue all liable parties. Also, your car accident attorney would know how to calculate all present and future economic and non-economic damages and negotiate a fair settlement. Further, your lawyer will file a lawsuit if your losses exceed insurance limits.

Of course, this list is not comprehensive. There are many other crucial mistakes that must be avoided immediately after experiencing a car accident. Having the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer right from the start is the best way to avoid costly mistakes.

Speak With an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Right Away

If you have recently experienced a car accident, don’t make the mistake of trying to pursue compensation on your own. Some people who have suffered car accidents have gone that route only to later regret it. Insurance adjusters are very skillful at using tactics to lessen or even deny your claim.

The best way to protect your rights and receive fair compensation is to have a personal injury law firm like Harker Injury Law in your corner.

At Harker Injury Law, our personal injury attorneys are familiar with the legal process. Our team can ensure that your claim is resolved in a timely and efficient manner. Also, your lawyer would have the resources needed to perform a thorough investigation of the accident and calculate the total losses you could seek to recover.

In the aftermath of a car accident, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the change in your circumstances. Don’t try to go it alone! Let the personal injury lawyers of Harker Injury Law handle your case while you focus on your well-being. You may be surprised by the peace of mind that comes with having our dedicated, knowledgeable advocates on your side.

Ensure your case is in good hands before it’s too late. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney.

Associations & Awards

  • Million Dollar Advocates Forum
  • State Bar of California
  • University of California San Diego
  • BYU Law
  • J Reuben Clark Law Society
  • Earl Warren College
  • State Bar of Nevada
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